GET api/Winner?WhiteLabelID={WhiteLabelID}&IsOnlyLabelPlayers={IsOnlyLabelPlayers}&InDays={InDays}&MinAmount={MinAmount}&MaxResults={MaxResults}&SortBy={SortBy}&Lang={Lang}&Tracker={Tracker}&Dynamic={Dynamic}&ClickId={ClickId}

Get Big Winners by conditions difined in request patameter. InDays property.Interval in days before today take records. Parameter is optional. Default value 60 days.WhiteLabelId property. WhiteLabel Id. Define whitelabel for with data requested. Optional parameter. By default is 0 - for all white labels.

Request Information


NameDescriptionAdditional information
Json object that contains described properties.

Define this parameter in the request URI.

Response Information

Array of top Big winners

Response body formats

application/json, text/json

    "transactionID": 1,
    "playerID": 2,
    "whiteLabelID": 3,
    "playerName": "sample string 4",
    "currency": "sample string 5",
    "gameType": "sample string 6",
    "gameName": "sample string 7",
    "gameID": 8,
    "serverGameID": "sample string 9",
    "playUrl": "sample string 10",
    "amount": 11.1,
    "amountInCurrency": "sample string 12",
    "country": "sample string 13",
    "actionDate": "2024-04-27T18:33:08.9729695+01:00",
    "gameImage": "sample string 15"
    "transactionID": 1,
    "playerID": 2,
    "whiteLabelID": 3,
    "playerName": "sample string 4",
    "currency": "sample string 5",
    "gameType": "sample string 6",
    "gameName": "sample string 7",
    "gameID": 8,
    "serverGameID": "sample string 9",
    "playUrl": "sample string 10",
    "amount": 11.1,
    "amountInCurrency": "sample string 12",
    "country": "sample string 13",
    "actionDate": "2024-04-27T18:33:08.9729695+01:00",
    "gameImage": "sample string 15"
    "transactionID": 1,
    "playerID": 2,
    "whiteLabelID": 3,
    "playerName": "sample string 4",
    "currency": "sample string 5",
    "gameType": "sample string 6",
    "gameName": "sample string 7",
    "gameID": 8,
    "serverGameID": "sample string 9",
    "playUrl": "sample string 10",
    "amount": 11.1,
    "amountInCurrency": "sample string 12",
    "country": "sample string 13",
    "actionDate": "2024-04-27T18:33:08.9729695+01:00",
    "gameImage": "sample string 15"

application/xml, text/xml

<ArrayOfWinner xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
    <AmountInCurrency>sample string 12</AmountInCurrency>
    <Country>sample string 13</Country>
    <Currency>sample string 5</Currency>
    <GameImage>sample string 15</GameImage>
    <GameName>sample string 7</GameName>
    <GameType>sample string 6</GameType>
    <PlayUrl>sample string 10</PlayUrl>
    <PlayerName>sample string 4</PlayerName>
    <ServerGameID>sample string 9</ServerGameID>
    <AmountInCurrency>sample string 12</AmountInCurrency>
    <Country>sample string 13</Country>
    <Currency>sample string 5</Currency>
    <GameImage>sample string 15</GameImage>
    <GameName>sample string 7</GameName>
    <GameType>sample string 6</GameType>
    <PlayUrl>sample string 10</PlayUrl>
    <PlayerName>sample string 4</PlayerName>
    <ServerGameID>sample string 9</ServerGameID>
    <AmountInCurrency>sample string 12</AmountInCurrency>
    <Country>sample string 13</Country>
    <Currency>sample string 5</Currency>
    <GameImage>sample string 15</GameImage>
    <GameName>sample string 7</GameName>
    <GameType>sample string 6</GameType>
    <PlayUrl>sample string 10</PlayUrl>
    <PlayerName>sample string 4</PlayerName>
    <ServerGameID>sample string 9</ServerGameID>